Those Eskies Blog - Living with American Eskimo Dogs

Those Eskies Blog is dedicated to my American Eskimo Dogs: Angie and Buddy. Angie is an American Eskimo miniature and Buddy is an American Eskimo standard size mix. You can find here information about those smart, intelligent and full of energy dogs, pictures and read about living with Eskies under one roof.

Cleaning My Eskimo Dog's Teeth with Coconut Oil

Some time ago I have read an article online about cleaning dogs teeth naturally on my favorite blog: Sit Stay. Other very usuful information you can find in published by Sixty Formula in here:

The author - Grant Withers - teach us how to clean our dog's teeth with coconut oil. Why do that? Simply to avoid dental diseases and tartar buildup on our pooch. Coconut oil can work as toothpaste and consists of acids that works antibacterial and antifungal. We can do it at home and don't have to put our dog through anesthesia.
Coconut oil and dogs toothbrushes

American Eskimo Dogs Enjoying Snow

A couple of days ago we had finally snow in Chicago. We went for a long walk to the nearest forest, where Angie and Buddy could run free and enjoy the snow. I posted photos here and below is the short video from that day.

Check also: My Eskies and Snowy Forest Walk

Eskies and Snowy Forest Walk

We live in Chicago and usually, we have a lot of snow in winter time. This year winter wasn't so bad so far, but... there were almost no snow days.

Today we had finally snow and that's when my Eskies have a fun! First I took them for a walk around the neighborhood, but seeing how much they enjoy the weather, I took them to a forest.

Eskies paws on the snow:)

Lola - American Eskimo Dog

Lola is a miniature American Eskimo, 7 years young and she is living with her family in Glenview, IL

Being a typical Eskie, Lola is very devoted to her family, but not to strangers. That's why on each attempt to make her picture, she just simply ignored me...

Those Eskies!

Lola - American Eskimo miniature

Lola decided to stay comfortable in her safe place, where she sleeps with her human Mom.

Lola in bed